Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Books are for education, entertainment and instruction. I like to write books for children that entertain them and also help their parents, or grandparents, educate and instruct them.
I welcome comments from all who read my books. This correspondence helps me make new friends.
I am an 80 year old active oilman, writing is my hobby, helping others is my passion. If you have any questions about the oil business or problems pertaining to every day living, write me and if I can help I will be delighted.
No one loves, understands and has the wisdom of The Altogether Lovely Jesus, in His name I pray for all who love children enough to take time to read to them..pete cantrell


  1. think "active" would be an understatement in describing you! I look forward to reading all of your books and Kylie made me promise to buy her a copy of Sequins... :)

  2. Mr. Cantrell,

    I just saw your website. How would I go about getting the book Yea Tho I Walk Thru the Oil Patch. It seems very interesting and I enjoy reading about other people's experiences.

    By they way, my name is Jesse Allen. You probably know my grandmother Billie Floyd.

    Thanks again


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